Sunday, September 27, 2009

Headed for Hell

Verse 1:
Look out the window, see the end of the world
Should’ve seen it coming like decades ago
Living with secrets, no voices can be heard
Truth is something we never want known
Ashes falling down from the sky
This world the subject of neglect
People killing, no reason why
Madness is the new respect
There’s only so much money to be made
But you’d be richer making friends
It’s better for you than spreading hate
You’ll see one day when the world ends
Where is the love, all that’s left is the hate
We don’t stick together just discriminate
If you have someone left, I guess tell them goodbye
Why would you though, leave everyone else to die
Where is the love, what happened to sanity
Why’d we abandon the value of humanity
Did they kill me or did I kill myself
What does it matter, we’re all headed for hell
Verse 2:
Can you see how far we have come
Yet still couldn’t stop the inevitable
Can’t you see the destruction we have done
That we have not yet been held accountable
We’re all walking down the same road headed for doom
Walking together with guilt and innocence
Everyone there afraid to take a different route
Afraid of their beliefs and benevolence
When it’s gone then it’s gone, there’s no turning back
We don’t do any good by just pretending
Fallen out of line, we’ve fallen off track
Unable to stop the world from ending
Where is the love, all that’s left is the hate
We don’t stick together just discriminate
If you have someone left, I guess tell them goodbye
Why would you though, leave everyone else to die
Where is the love, what happened to sanity
Why’d we abandon the value of humanity
Did they kill me or did I kill myself
What does it matter, we’re all headed for hell
Verse 3:
It’s now too late to apologize
I’m sorry you didn’t sooner realize
We only care about ourselves
Children suffering, no one sees
Why would we ever forgive enemies
When we ignored cries for help
And headed for hell
Where is the love, all that’s left is the hate
We don’t stick together just discriminate
If you have someone left, I guess tell them goodbye
Why would you though, leave everyone else to die
Where is the love, what happened to sanity
Why’d we abandon the value of humanity
Did they kill me or did I kill myself
What does it matter, we’re all headed for hell
We ignored cries for help
And headed for hell

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