Thursday, September 17, 2009

Buchanan Bunch

Verse 1:

This is the story, of a crazy lady

Who was bringing up three kids of her own

All of them, were crazy like their mother

They didn’t have a home


Verse 2:

They had Dee's cleaning, and an A to Z store

When they decided to start up a pet shop

Body paint shop and a rummage sale

All their businesses were a flop


Verse 3:

We put up an ad, for some work of own

Of course the jack of all trades was the only one to call

New bathrooms, landscaping, and carpentry

She had done it all


Verse 4:

Until one day when the lady met a fellow

He was scrawny and only weighed fifty pounds

They decided, to build a swimming pool

It didn’t matter that it wasn’t level ground


Verse 5:

It didn’t matter, as long as she got her sand

From a check she already knew would bounce

Every day, the police stop up there

They know they’ll need to, when they make their rounds


Verse 6:

We had sum pup corn, when the college student

Thought he would try the popcorn treat

But they were for the barn cats, ‘cause they were something

The dog wouldn’t even eat


Verse 7:

It cost forty five, dollars just to eat

At the country buffet when you’re sixty

Boots aren’t waterproof, when the waters on the inside

Of the boots apparently


Verse 8:

Snakes swimming around, in an ice chest of water

And a little girl that cuts out frog eyes

In the barn, they heard a little ruckus

But it was only a deer that broke inside


Verse 9:

A security camera, propped in the kitchen

To see who pulls into the driveway

They say Obama, will soon be up there

To fix the problems with the neighbors and stay


Verse 10:

Sparks lit a match, and sprayed the bees with hairspray

To set them on fire before they sting

Around the campfire, the mother’s new boyfriend

Was a famous country western that could really sing


Verse 11:

With a brain tumor, and a concussion

The ER Doc said his head had nothing there

His goal was to get fat, by buying Crisco and bear lard

But he didn’t know where


Verse 12:

She has an urn, for each child

In case the cancer suddenly starts showing signs

The lawn must be mowed, with duct taped flashlights

Everyday around midnight


Verse 13:

He had a hole in his head, from getting hit with a rock

We wondered just how many m&m’s would fit through

He said only four, unless they were peanut

Then probably only two


Verse 14:

The mother was arrested, and Steve ran away

He stabbed the door in the bathroom with a butcher knife

He was sent to the psych ward, all because he lost his job

And he was gunna take our life


Verse 15:

A zucchini, fresh from the garden

By law that’s all they say you need to eat for lunch

They’re the talk of the summer, Dee, Steve, Heather, and Hannah

That’s the way they all became known as the Buchanan bunch

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