Thursday, September 3, 2009

BFF - Part 1

Verse 1:
What color are your eyes, you’re not Crabs so I guess I didn’t remember
Mike-a Dakota Muller is such a pretty baby to be due in November
If ignorance is a choice then D.A. has flappy underwear
Easy big girl Shannon wants to take a peek in there
You know I’m wrapped around your finger because you have that beautiful beautiful ass
So why don’t we go watch star wars jungle porn in Mr. Hurley’s class

Don’t cha know Mr. B is sexy when he shakes his kitty, holy cats
Don’t cha know it must be jam because jelly don’t shake like that

Verse 2:
Dude, you’re gorgeous, Afroman, and how hot is Allen
But you’re for girls so there’s always B.M., Britney Spears, and Watermelon
I just lost seven pounds, I’m gunna have me a cake
Cody is gay and he’d better learn to look straight
Perez Hilton would much rather have Hef in his pants
The girls next door have no friends and always do keg stands

Let’s go cut out pig brains and murder a sheep heart
Let’s smoke tampons and get married in Madagascar

Verse 3:
Remember drawing inspector gadget, Japan, and hello kitty
Mozart can’t be a boy because his eyelashes are too pretty
I do the “YMCA” with Paris Hilton but with you it’s always “Low”
There’s some Static ‘cause hand sanitizer tastes just like vodka, don’t cha know
I’m a drama drama llama llama, jelly-elly-ealous bean
But you’re like a fish in the bathroom with Banana Cream

Don’t cha know that we’re the cause of alcoholism
Don’t cha know there’s a “dick” and a “tater” in dictatorshipism

Verse 4:
If you want to know the world series of what just ask Anna Nicole
But ask me about a guest speaker or Saggum’s flag pole
I love D-Bag, Carrot Top and Kendra ‘cause I’m so gay I don’t like boys
But you, K.T., Cupcake, and Beyonce, use them taped up light up toys
Where can a pregnant lady go to the bathroom, there’s a skank up there
She’s got herpes on her face, I’ve got butter in my hair

Who got the joy all over – not Kabookie
You got your cream on me and I did-ja-booty

Verse 5:
Katy Perry, Hemmingway, Jukebox, Key Lime Pie
We’ve got our code names
Bridget, John Travolta, Hickey, Pot Pie
We play our mind games
Raccoon, Zack-o-rya , Fingerprints, Meat Ball
Here’s to ’09-‘10
Vampire, Pork Chop, Holly, Cotton Ball
We’re always best friends

Whether I’m poppin’ outta cake
Or put in yo face
Poppin’ outta cake
Or put in yo face
Poppin’ outta cake
Or puttin’ in in in…
You’ll always be my B.F.F.
Michelin Man

Verse 6:
Some people are so fat their gut looks like a pack-a-hot dogs (Best Friend)
John McCain satisfies my orange juice needs
I love it when you get blamed for putting a banana in someone’s pocket (Best Friend)
Do some deep breathing with Chicken Twinkie and watch “To Be Fat Like Me”
Didn’t cha know you can never have too much jello (Best Friend)
Good ole Saggums – who’s gunna milk the cow
Wait I forgot is she Dirty Sausage or is that Olga (Best Friend)
Either way my skirt is on your floor and I have green eyebrows

Don’t cha know Mr. B is sexy when he shakes his kitty, holy cats
Don’t cha know it must be jam because jelly don’t shake like that
Let’s go cut out pig brains and murder a sheep heart
Let’s smoke tampons and get married in Madagascar
Don’t cha know that we’re the cause of alcoholism
Don’t cha know there’s a “dick” and a “tater” in dictatorshipism
Who got the joy all over – not Kabookie
You got your cream on me and I did-ja-booty

Verse 7:
Hitting Bryan Scott Muller with bananas on the bus
And putting stuffing in your purse because you put a sausage in mine
There ain’t no bitches in here, there is a BITCH
Bitchcannon, ahhhhh, reminiscing good times

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